1 Ogos, Dataran Pahlawan, Banda Hilir, Melaka
This 2-days event was jointly organized by the state of Melaka, Silat Cekak Melaka. The theme was 'Pahlawan Melaka, Seni dan Warisan '.
Silat Lian Padukan Malaysia was invited by the organizer through our representative in Melaka, Cikgu Boy. Silat Lian Padukan was invited because the organizer wanted a 'buah Pukul' silat demonstration. They have other silat presentation but not 'buah pukul', so that is where Lian Padukan comes in. Although they gave us one weeek to prepare, cikgu Boy and I manage to get a few members from KL and Melaka to do the demonstration. For your information, we have no plan and time to pratice so as usual we just do what we normally did during our training.
So representing KL were Zani, Fauzi, Fahmi, Harith ( my son ) and myself. Cikgu Boy has 2 of his student joining him.
Alhamdulillah ( God is Great ) when we reach there at around 1pm, we saw Cikgu Nigel Sutton ( Cikgu Khatam Lian Padukan from Penang and UK )with his students ( from England )performing Tai Chi for the event. This was so unexpexted and a blessing for us. We have not enough members to demo. This has gave us advantage. Cikgu Nigel students also study Lian Padukan with him. Cikgu Nigel asked permission for both his Uk students join in during Lian Padukan demonstration. This showed how spontaneous Lian members are to blend in and the relationship between us (cikgu-cikgu). Fantastic...!
Advantage during the demo because, It shows that;
1- Lian Padukan is International.( we have 2 'mat salleh' in our squad )
2- Lian Padukan is open to ALL ( my son is 9 years old, teenages and adults of different races ).
3- Lian Padukan is simple and effective ( easy to learn and practical )
We started off with Jurus 1 till jurus 4, then individually every one of us performed Lian solo and sparing session.
Overall we did quiet well, all of us did our part, same goes to both the English guys. We have good response and feedback from the audience and organizers. I was even approched by a lady from Australia, who was impressed by our performance. She wanted her daughter (Judo instructor) to learn this art.Not bad!!! Silat Lian Padukan family will grow, insyaAllah.
We end our Melaka visit with a trip to Umbai Ikan Bakar with Cikgu Boy.
Again my sincere thanks and love to Zaini, Fauzi, Fahmi and Harith. All the best to Cikgu Boy and Cikgu Nigel and their students.
Lastly, my thanks to our Grandmaster, Guru Hasyim for his blessing and teaching.
Great news Cikgu! Happy to hear this!